One of Alana's most recent pool videos created a sense of imperative in me to snatch up some of the pool projects she had done which have been on my list since forever, and "Snow Bunny 2" was one of those videos. I love these throwback "Glamour" vibes of wet look videos of years ago. There's an innocence, earnestness, and charm which is incredibly uncommon in the industry, watching someone who is not only comfortable in the water, strikingly pretty, with the perfect ratio of sexy exhibitionism, elegance, and "gee shucks" sincerity. "Snow Bunny 2" reminds me of some of the Tim Nanz Water Nymphs videos from back in the day (I'm talking about the videos with Karma, specifically, which blew my mind when I discovered them on YouTube 1,000 years ago.). It's this warm, friendly kind of sexy which is essentially extinct from the industry currently. I love these old school romantic vibes. Man, what a magical video. Especially if you're a fan of Alana and/or Sexy Wet Babes, you'll be really glad to have this unique video in your collection. Adorably sexy and sublime. I was not asked to do this by Sexy Wet Babes, nor was I compensated by anyone in any way. It just so happens that I'm wild about this content.
MrBubblicious 12/29/24